17 December 2010

Handmade Holidays: Glass Etching

Another venture into my semi-homemade gifts was a glass etching project. I bookmarked this post from Sarah at Create Studio a long time ago and was so excited to finally put it to use! 

My brothers enjoy beer, especially from a Beer Stein or Frosty Mug. When I stumbled upon glass beer steins at the Dollar Tree, I knew I had to try out glass etching. I didn't have much to lose with my investment!

I bought this Etching Cream at Michaels with a coupon (it is pricey - use a coupon!)

You aren't suppose to rinse this off in a porcelain sink, so I rinsed into this stainless bowl then dumped it outside.

I used my Silhouette to cut the white medium adhesion contact paper for my stencil.

The Dollar Tree glass beer stein. I was so surprised at how heavy this is - for only $1!!

And the result...

I thought it turned out great! I made one for my other brother as well which was the reverse of this...an etched square with a clear glass "H" in the middle. My husband is requesting one for himself...that's how I know it turned out well!

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