29 January 2011

A Great Segue

I somehow managed to turn this 6-week Bible Study on Ruth into a 6-month study, but let's not focus on that. Let's focus on what an amazing segue it is to my current study on David. Definitely a transition that I did not even consider (or realize) - certainly God-orchestrated. 

A little background on Ruth, in case you're not familiar. Ruth & her mother-in-law, Naomi, were both widowed. Ruth decided to go back to Naomi's homeland with her even though she would be an outcast because of her heritage. Through hard-work, a redeemer-turned-husband Boaz, and God's amazing hand, Ruth married again a bore a son, Obed (not my favorite biblical name). Turns out, Obed was the father of Jesse, who is the father of David that I'm currently studying! Such a cool transition between studies. Also, they are in the lineage of Jesus - pretty amazing what God can do with someone who is obedient, even if they don't seem perfectly suited for the job in our eyes. 

I have been praying for God to make scripture alive to me and that I would have an intense desire and hunger for His word. I am so thankful my prayers are being answered and He is doing this in me! I have seen scripture in a whole new way recently, which is just amazing! Even just this week I read the story of David & Goliath, certainly not the first time I'd heard this story, but the details were revealed in such a new and interesting way to me. If you ever feel like you're starting to tune-out when scripture is being read or you start to skip ahead because you've already heard or read this passage, then I'd encourage you to pray for a renewed love of God's word - it truly is amazing!

By the way, if you're looking for a great study that isn't too intimidating with tons of homework or too long, I'd definitely give a Kelly Minter study a try. I loved this study and intend to do more of her's!

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