22 May 2010

I've been bitten! (Part 1)

by the Decorating Bug! Does that ever happen to you? It sort of comes & goes with me. Sometimes I'm content with how our house is looking, but then sometimes I just want to shuffle some things around. Shuffling is fine - it's FREE! But the shuffling leads me to think about other things I might want to get done that are not free. Here's what happened to me one night recently...

I order Little Man's Big Boy Bedding. It's premature because I'm not pulling him out of his crib until necessary, but it went on sale at PBK. So, I had to buy it. Isn't it so cute?!?! Yet boyish. I'm a sucker for madras plaid. I only bought the shams and quilt. There are so many colors in the quilt that I'll be able to pair a solid easily with it.  I'm expecting this will last for quite a while in a "Big Boy" room.

Well that came in the mail and I put it on our bed. Remember my bedding dilemma? I was still having it. I thought the colors in this quilt would tie in with our wall color and I'd much rather use it than let it sit in a closet until Little Man transitions. Yeah, that lasted a day. Even though I love that bedding, it was way too juvenile for our master bedroom. I still wanted to use it, so I moved it to the guest room and switched out all the accessories in there. It's looking good already and I know it will look awesome when I'm actually ready to paint and decorate for the "Big Boy" Room.

That left me with a bare bed in our room. What to do? I'll tell you all about it and show you some pictures during Part 2...

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